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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the questions we get asked most frequently

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are our answers to some of the questions you might have about tri.x! If something isn’t answered here just email and we’ll be able to help!

Our procedures are competitively priced, but the cost can vary based on your specific requirements, so please talk to us about your needs. Our team will happily talk through the best options for you and your organisation.

We offer contract options for 3 and 5 years depending on your specific requirements. Additionally, through the G-Cloud system, we provide contracts with an initial term of 2 years, extendable for an additional 2 years.

We can offer flexible payment terms across all contracts, apart from those procured via G-Cloud. Please talk to us about your requirements.  

We provide you with a bespoke version of the trix.Portal, which you can use to electronically file all of your local documents and create a Local Resource area for practitioners. At your request links can then be made from specific procedures to different sections of the Local Resource area, creating a seamless integration of your existing documents.

During development we will support you to use the tri.x Portal effectively, but ordinarily this is an area where you have full autonomy to add, delete and replace resources as and when required.

Our Content Review and Development Board meets regularly to review changes to legislation, case law and best practice and consider the best way to integrate them into the procedures. Click here for more details on how we work. 

Scheduled updates to procedures are provided twice yearly as part of your contract. Unscheduled updates are available if we have capacity at an additional cost (unless they are related to safeguarding where changes will be made as soon as possible).

You will have a Lead Consultant available to assist you throughout your contractual period. They will manage the scheduled update process but can also be contacted by phone or email as necessary to provide advice and support. They are also available for a yearly on-site visit which can also be used for a relaunch of your procedures if requested.

Yes. Whenever your procedures are updated the old version is archived and can be easily accessed whenever you may need it.

Yes! All of our manuals comply with WCAG 2.2 level AA using the following applications, automated tools such as axe Dev Tools, visual inspection of interactive elements, interacting with the website using only a keyboard, interacting with the website using a screen reader. Recent reports have also been completed to verify these accessibility standards have been achieved – these can be made available upon request.

The platform also meets level AA of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.2) as a minimum  and is working to Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No2) Accessibility Regulations 2018.

This very much depends on your requirements and which development option you take in terms of localising the procedures for your organisation.

Around 95% of the content requires no customisation or localisation. All that we need is some basic information to localise the remaining 5% (we will provide a list of what is required).

The biggest impact on your time is typically the collation of existing local resources (forms, processes, templates etc), which then need to be organised in a meaningful way for uploading to the trix.Portal. We can assist with this but the number of resources you have and the number of versions etc. can sometimes prolong the task.

All you need is access to any internet browser. The site will support the last two versions of all the main browsers on all platforms (Chrome, Safari, Opera, Firefox, IE/Edge) with graceful degradation for older versions.

No, we’re available 24/7, 365 days a year to make sure that you can access us whenever you need to. Our dedicated server is capable of very high volume requests with good performance scores. The average delivery time for access will be no more than one second when taken as an average of at least 100 requests. We undertake all testing and development is completed in a separate environment and therefore we anticipate there being no requirement for planned down time. However in the unlikely scenario that this is required e.g. a server migration, we would notify our users of planned ‘downtime’ with at least 1 weeks’ notice. Unplanned down time is highly unlikely, our uptime is currently at 99.99%.

Reports of broken links or the unavailability of the procedures manual should be reported to the tri.x Procedures Consultant and this email account Issues reported will be responded to within 24 hours and resolved within 48 hours, but we normally get them sorted much quicker.

The URL addresses for your platform are provided by tri.x and act as the locations for you to access all of your information. All of our procedure manuals are kept in the World Wide Web environment which is open to the public who can search the internet for the procedures using all the major search engines.


Yes! Our manuals allow the customer to reflect their corporate colours, branding and logo throughout. You can also include your corporate colours throughout the platform – we just ask that any colours used are in line with web accessibility standards.

Generally and whenever possible, we recommend the procedures are not printed, due to the online procedures being the most up to date version.  If a printed copy is kept, the procedure could become out of date and be utilised incorrectly by a staff member.  It is good working practice for users of the procedures manual to refer to the online version of their procedures manual as it will be the most up to date operational version.

However, we do recognise that there are occasions when they will need to be printed for sharing with users as well as used as a tool in supervision. To support this our procedures can be printed and the copy will include a date and time stamp.

Our Services

Children’s Social Care

Children’s Social Care

Online Policies and Procedures that help to support practitioners with clear guidance to meet their statutory obligations.

Adult Social Care

Adult Social Care

Procedures, practice guidance and digital tools – Join us in setting a new standard in care and support – where technology meets practicality.

Fostering Agency Services

Fostering Agency Services

Online procedures specifically for the Independent Fostering sector to give your organisation the regulatory framework required to keep staff, foster carers and children safe.

Children’s Residential Homes

Children’s Residential Homes

Procedures, policies and guidance – achieve excellence in care through outstanding procedural support.

Local Safeguarding Boards

Local Safeguarding Boards

We work with Local Safeguarding Boards across the country, our procedures cover safeguarding best practice for both children and adults.

Services for Supported Accomodation

Services for Supported Accomodation

A thorough and needs-based guide including detailed procedures and guidelines to ensure regulatory compliance and quality care.

Foster Carer Handbook

Foster Carer Handbook

A comprehensive guide designed to empower foster carers and fostering services throughout the UK.

Regional Adoption Agencies

Regional Adoption Agencies

Our comprehensive suite of procedures serves as the core building blocks for your Regional Adoption Agency online procedures and every step of the adoption journey.

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