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Online Procedures Manual for Children’s Services in Scotland

Keeping the promise using strength based practice to encourage children, young people and families to feel love

Children’s Social Care Procedures

tri.x has been producing web-enabled information, procedures and guidance across the social care sector for over 18 years in England and we have been working on an online manual for Scottish social care sectors. At tri.x we create trusting positive partnerships and work continuously learn and innovate to meet and respond to your needs.

The National Practice Model

It provides a consistent way for practitioners to work with children, young people and their families to understand the child or young person’s individual growth and development in the context of their rights, unique family circumstances and wider world, exploring strengths, resilience, adversities and vulnerabilities.

The Manual

Is a unique platform to support practitioners in delivering a service that is consistent, child-centred, strength based and respectful.

The content of the manual follows the guidance from The National Practice Model, Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC) and The Promise.


Core Benefits

  • Ability to track and evidence compliance through reading tasks
  • Built to meet AA accessibility and Cyber Essentials security standards
  • Easy user access and team access with individual user profiles and improved navigation
  • Team communication enhanced through automated email notifications following chapter updates
  • Enhanced team collaboration through reading tasks that can be managed individually and/or by a local administrator
  • Site login facility with 2- Factor Authentication
  • Single global search allows for pages and resources to be swiftly found, with results being returned based on their association to the searched term

The Adult Care Providers Handbook is an incredibly valuable resource that can be accessed by managers or care workers to provide instant or deep information on any subject in health and social care. It has been incredible to be working with tri.x and with people who are as passionate as us. To meet a team and organisation who are likeminded, at the same level as us in terms of quality, and who also want projects to thrive has been so inspiring.

Colin Hanley, Training Co-Ordinator Age UK Hereford & Worcestershire

Our Services

Fostering Agency Services

Children’s Residential Homes

Local Safeguarding Boards

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The Adult Care Providers Handbook is an incredibly valuable resource that can be accessed by managers or care workers to provide instant or deep information on any subject in health and social care. It has been incredible to be working with tri.x and with people who are as passionate as us. To meet a team and organisation who are likeminded, at the same level as us in terms of quality, and who also want projects to thrive has been so inspiring.

Colin Hanley, Training Co-Ordinator Age UK Hereford & Worcestershire

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